Chand Bibi

Falconer Moon Lady • 1550 – 1500

Adil Shah Dynasty
Bijapur, Ahmadnagar

Chand Bibi: Daughter of Hussain Nizam Shah (Ahmadnagar), Wife of Ali Adil Shah. Ibrahim Ruled as Regent for Ibrahim Adil Shah 2, her nephew.

Chand Bibi, which translates to ’The Lady Moon, was queen of the Muslim Kingdom of Bijapur. During her younger years, her education spanned a wide variety of topics — not only did she receive military training, she was also fluent in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Marathi and Kannada, as well as being skilled at the sitar! After the murder of her husband, Ali Adil Shah, Chand Bibi moved to Ahmadnagar where she ruled as a regent for her nephew, Ibrahim Adil Shah II, during his minority. When Akbar’s imperial forces, led by his son Murad, invaded in 1595, Chand Bibi defended the city against the attack, earning her the title of Chand Sultana for her bravery and valour. However, her defence fell during a second siege upon the city, leading to Chand Bibi’s eventual downfall. The details of her death have been disputed, with some sources alleging she was killed by an angry mob, while other sources state that she fought bravely and died on the battlefield. Either way, her rule is remembered as one that unified people across her kingdom!