Hanno is a consultancy that visualizes and curates diverse narratives with a particular focus on museum, heritage and social communication. We work with brand strategy and design solutions, but are deeply involved in research into visual culture. We also formulate approaches and weave storylines for archival and commemorative communication.

We engage closely with communities who are the subjects or recipients of the content we create.

We recognise that the new, the fresh and the unexpected comes flying in the wind and we embrace these, while keeping a grounded respect and regard for the soul and warmth in what was and has been around.

We enjoy the creative rush of crafting beauty, whether in form or thought, yet our articulations maintain high standards of technology and production techniques.

With experience and rigorous training in the traditional communication design space and close associations with professionals who set standards high above the mundane, we strive to move towards conceptually and graphically uncharted areas.


sarita-sundarSarita Sundar is a graphic artist and researcher presently involved in research and writing on heritage, popular and visual culture, and design theory. Prior to founding Hanno, she was Partner at Trapeze, a multi-disciplinary design firm, and Design Director at Ray and Keshavan in its early years.

At Hanno, Sarita combines her 25+ years of working with brand strategy and design solutions with her academic training in museum studies and heritage interpretation. Research informs the way Sarita works, often taking a critical look at how our culture engages with the visual. She also has an interest in the evolution of design education and has actively engaged with discourse on the evolution of typographic and graphic design practice in India. Download her CV here.

Partners & Associates

Georgie Paul
Georgie Paul is a communication designer with 12 years experience. He has a degree in design from Swinburne University in Australia after which he had a stint in advertising in Dubai. He was a junior partner at Trapeze till 2014 and has been an independent consultant since then. He is closely associated with Hanno and brings a keen graphic sensibility and strong visual language to many of the design projects at Hanno.

Sybil D’Souza
Sybil D’Souza has a degree in Art from Cava, Mysore and was a designer at Trapeze till 2014. She combines a vigorous work discipline along with rhythm, order and efficiency into projects that involve extensive content page layouts and organisation.

Ruchika Chanana

Ruchika Chanana runs wordsetc., a resource for text-based communication. She has been associated with our team for many years providing copy, editing and content support.