The Tree of Hope

LIFE AT SHISHU MANDIR, An Adoption Home and School

In the first years of their lives, the children witness alcoholic parents, domestic abuse, poverty, and even suicide. Shishu Mandir is the first safe place many of them have known.

It’s easy to offer them food, a bed to sleep in, some clothes and let them be. But what about the fears they carry and the nightmares of things they have seen? Those take time and patience to deal with but it is important to address them for how else will the children believe that good things are possible. Shishu mandir raises these destitute children in an atmosphere
of respect, affection and trust renewing their faith in family.

“I want to fill my world with the colours of the rainbow”

This is the 25 year old story of Shishu Mandir, an organisation that stemmed from a desire to offer every child who entered its doors a loving and secure family. What started out as an adoption home soon extended to a school that would stimulate them and motivate their learning. To ensure the lives of the children improve, it was imperative to address their families. And so they too came under the large canopy of Shishu Mandir. Debt relief, provision of basic amenities, medical assistance, vocational training and empowerment of women were some of the ways in which Shishu Mandir has supported families and communities.


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Sarita Sundar, Shreyas R Krishnan. Photography: Sarita Sundar, Manoj Sudhakaran, Shishu Mandir Archives